Liaison office of Grand Ayatullah Sayyid Ali Al Sistani (L.M.H.L) in London, Europe, North and South America.

His Eminence, The Representative of the Religious Authority in Europe, talks about
*The Value of the Tasbih al-Zahraa (P)*
(Part 2)

According to various narrations from the Prophet and his blessed progeny (P), it is highly recommended that tasbih be performed right after the five daily prayers.
It is narrated to Imam al-Baqir (P) that he said, "Allah has not been worshipped with anything of praise better than the tasbih of Fatimah (P). And, if there were something better than it, the Messenger of Allah (P) would have given it to Fatimah (P)." Furthermore, Imam al-Sadiq (P) said, "The tasbih of Fatimas (P) every day after every prayer is more beloved to me than praying a thousand rak'ahs every day", and he said, "We teach our children to practice tasbih Fatimah (P) just as we teach them to pray).
Simply, it is just to say thirty-four times "Allahu Akbar", thirty-three times "al-Hamdulillah", and thirty-three times "Subhanallah". This tsabih is considered a manifestation of frequent dhikr according to a narration from Imam al-Sadiq (P) when someone asked him about Allah verse "... and remember God often/greatly/frequently ..." [Quran 8: 45], he replied, "Whoever glorifies the tasbeeh of Fatima has remembered Allah frequently".
Never know, perhaps tasbih gained this great importance to demonstrate and explore the place of Fatimah al-Zahra (peace be upon her) and her status with Allah, the Prophet and his blessed progeny. It is narrated that Imam al-Askari (P) said, "We [the infallible imams] are the proofs of Allah upon His creation, and our grandmother Fatimah is the proof of Allah upon us". And, as narrated to Fatimah herself she said, "And praise Allah, for whose greatness and light those in the heavens and the earth seek the means to Him, and We are His means among His creation, ... and we are the inheritors of His prophets".
The most recommended case is to do tasbis with needs that are made from the clay of the grave of Imam Hussain (P). Lady Fatimah (P) used to do tasbih made of woolen needs, glorifying and praising Allah until Hamzah bin Abd al-Muttalib, the master of martyrs, was martyred, so she used clay of his grave and made rosaries, so the people used them. But, when Imam Hussein (P) was martyred, the matter was changed to him, so they used the clay of his grave instead due to its virtues and merits. in this regard, people asked Imam al-Sadiq (P), and he replied, "The rosary from the grave of Imam Hussain (P) glorifies Allah in the hand of a man without him glorifying Allah".
Hence, we learn a few things about the importance of tasbih al-Zahraa (P) including:
1- Expelling Satan, seeking forgiveness from Allah, and obtaining His pleasure.
- Muhammad bin Muslim narrated that Imam al-Sadiq (P) said, "Whoever recites the tasbih of Fatima (P) and then seeks forgiveness from Allah, He will forgive him. It is a hundred on the tongue, a thousand on the scale, and it repels Satan and pleases the Most Merciful".
- Hisham bin Salim narrated that Imam al-Sadiq (P) said, "When you go to bed, say thirty-four times "Allahu Akbar", thirty-three times "al-Hamdulillah", and thirty-three times "Subhanallah, and recite Ayat al-Kursi, the two Mu’awwidhat (chapter al-Falaq and chapter an-Nas], and ten verses from the beginning of chapter al-Saffat and ten from the end of it". Imam (P) mentioned that this litany is useful for repelling disturbing dreams.

2- Healing from diseases:
- It was narrated that a man entered upon Imam al-Sadiq (P) and spoke to him, but he did not hear what Imam al-Sadiq (P) said, and he complained to him of heaviness in his ears, so he said to him: What prevents you? And where are you from the tasbih of Fatimah (P). He said: My Master! What is the tasbih of Fatimah? Imam (P) said: “thirty-four times "Allahu Akbar", thirty-three times "al-Hamdulillah", and thirty-three times "Subhanallah, to complete the hundred.” The man said: “I did that only a little while before what I was experiencing went away.”

We ask the Almighty Allah to make us among those who glorify, remember, and seek forgiveness through the blessing of prayers upon His chosen Prophet and his purified family.
O Allah, bless Fatimah, her father, her husband, and her children as many times as Your Book has counted and Your knowledge has encompassed.